2022 was another banner sales year for TekTone while focusing on workplace culture and more community involvement.

We started off the year strong with launching our redesigned website. The website was re-worked to be more user friendly and provide our customers with resources to best serve our target markets. The redesign included improved page speed, animated TekTone History timeline and new enhanced features of our portfolio.

Also, during the first of the year we celebrated three of our employees reaching 30 years of employment at TekTone and one employee reaching 25 years of employment at TekTone.

Throughout the 2022 year we had several accomplishments:

We participated more in Community Involvement by inviting Franklin High School students on a tour of our facility, participating in local Career Fairs, and took part in STEAM events for middle school students in Macon and Jackson Counties. 

  • We held a “Pink Out Day” in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. We were able to raise money as well as make donation to Macon County Public Health for the 2nd year in a row.
  • During the holiday season we held a food drive for CareNet in Macon County and were able to donate over 180 pounds of food. During the annual Cold for a Cause campaign, TekTone supported with a monetary donation to help those in need.

We were awarded the Silver Safety Award from the North Carolina Department of Labor in 2022. The Silver Safety Award was given to TekTone for outstanding safety and health efforts for the 2021 calendar year.  

For the 2nd year in a row, TekTone was nominated for Coolest Thing Made in NC Contest. This contest celebrates the North Carolina manufacturing community, in which we made it to the 2nd round of voting. 

To keep up with product demand, more space was created and technology added on the production floor. We also hired a new sales representative to serve the Western Region to meet this demand. We now have a total of five outside sales representatives for the United States.

We formed a Quality Improvement Committee engaging TekTone Elite Partners (TEPs)in a Quality & Improvement Conference. 

We gained 18 new distributors and 28 new TEPs, for a total of 344 TekTone Elite Partners.

Thank you for being a part of this special year, we appreciate your partnership and look forward to what the 2023 year holds!