New TekTone® Systems Sold!

Congratulations and thanks to the following for selling Tek-CARE®400 systems. Keep up the good work! • C.T.E., Inc. to Wayland Nursing and Rehab in Keysville, VA • Bernhard Communications to HealthSouth in Henderson, NV • Argyle Security/Metroplex to Alamo Medical...

New Versus® Clearview Badge!

The new Clearview Badge is available in white, green, blue, red and yellow, giving caregivers, administrators, patients and visitors an easy way to distinguish badges from one another. TekTone® has partnered with Versus® to offer healthcare facilities the power to...

New PK2019A Annunciator Control Unit is released for sale!

The PK2019A Annunciator Control Unit supplies power and control circuits to operate the CM800 Emergency Call System and the DS100 Door Sentry System. This new power and control unit generates either a steady or an intermittent alarm tone, while providing three levels...