Literature Index
TekTone maintains a vast library of literature for public access. Spec sheets, manuals and brochures can all be found using the following links.
To search by part number, please select the first two letters of the part (i.e., SF117/2C) below and browse. The TekTone part number can be found near the warranty number on the part label.
To search by IL number, select from the appropriate range of IL numbers below. All technical literature is assigned an IL number. This number can normally be found at the bottom of the first or last page of the document. IL numbers are most helpful when ordering brochures and also when referring to discontinued products.
To browse for literature by system name, please select the system category from the Products page. From there, select the system title from those listed. All related literature options can be found at the bottom of the page for each listed system.
If you are having trouble finding what you need, please confirm the IL or part number that you are using. Please also ensure that the product you are referencing is not TEP exclusive. Literature for TEP Exclusive products is only available on the TEP Website and via your local TekTone Elite Partner. TEP products include the Tek-CARE400P5+, Tek-CARE400 GEN3, and Tek-CARE700, and all of their system components.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the following departments:
Technical Support: For technical questions or assistance with interpreting technical instructions.
Sales: For product information or help with locating a specific piece of literature.
Marketing: To order brochures or other printed marketing materials.
By IL Number
IL000-IL399 | IL600-IL699 | IL900-IL999 |
IL400-IL499 | IL700-IL799 | IL1000-IL1099 |
IL500-IL599 | IL800-IL899 | IL1100-IL1199 |
By Part Number
AM | DS | LI | PO | SS |
BE | IH | NC | RY | TA |
CM | IR | PK | SF | Other |
CT | JK | PM | SI |
Tek-CARE NC110
Tek-CARE NC150
DS100 Door Sentry and & Emergency Alarm
Tek-ENTRY Vandal Resistant
Tek-ENTRY Apartment Entry