Discontinuation Notice – IR411EPB

Discontinuation Notice – IR411EPB

Effective immediately, the IR411EPB is discontinued. This is the Patient Station for the Tek-CARE400 that features a push button to call as well as a call cord connection. The station does not have a replacement. For more information, please contact the sales...
Discontinuation Notice: SF381 and SF382

Discontinuation Notice: SF381 and SF382

Effective immediately due to parts availability, the SF381 Standalone Emergency Station and the SF382 Standalone Code Station are discontinued. These stations are most commonly used with the Tek-CARE300-series systems. The SF381 and SF382 stations are used in places...

Discontinuation Notice: SF41ZDL and NC554/5

Effective immediately due to parts availability, the SF41ZDL pillow speaker and the NC554/5 Network Switch are discontinued. The SF41ZDL is used with both the Tek-CARE400 P5+ and Tek-CARE300III Nurse Call Systems. The NC554/5 is most frequently used with the...
Discontinuation Notice: NC502

Discontinuation Notice: NC502

Effective immediately, the NC502 PC Alarm Panel is discontinued. The PC Alarm Panel is most often used with the Tek-CARE500 system, allowing the system to dial out to a Central Monitoring company in case of an unmanned facility. In recent years the volume of sales of...